Friday 3 September 2021

ENGLISH 40 WPM SPEED PASSAGE | English 40 wpm speed passage pdf file

English paragraph for typing practice | typing lessons | English typing practice | GCC TBC English 40 wpm typing passage | | typing passage pdf file


    Visits to Pappu’s house brought sunshine in Rahul’s otherwise drab life. Because on these days Rahul got an opportunity to see Sandhya, Pappu’s sister. Sandhya was two years younger than him. Rahul and Sandhya used to steal glances and smiles when they could. There existed some chemistry between them despite the vast difference in their social, financial and cultural standing.

    “It has been three months since anyone but Tanmay his called. When I took the initiative with Iris, it did not work out so well. I am now reluctant to meet them or even call them up, lest that is seen as being too eager, I don’t know what to do or how to behave, Should I call or should I let someone else take the first step ? What I cannot understand is how we all came together after so many years in one grate wave and then lost each other all over again” said Snigdha. She looked genuinely disturbed. Kruttika looked hard at her friend, and then it struck her in an instant. 

    “You, who claim to be a loner, are actually hungry for companionship. Tell me, aren’t you secretly excited by the prospect of reconnecting with your old friends,” She probed. “But you are so caught up in the analysis of what will happen when and if you meet them that you are unable to let even the present be,” she stressed.


    The child when it is born is helpless. It has to be Nursed and looked after well. This means there should be a Family just as the child cannot live without the family. The family cannot live without a society. The family Small unit in society. It is in the family that people live More closely. The members of a family love one and all. In a happy and good family all the good virtues of human Being are there. The parents love their child and being him up with love and care. In order to bring up their child, they are prepared to make and sacrifice, it is in the family that the child learns good behaviours and all the qualities required for a good person. As such it is very important that the life in the family goes on and smoothly and happily.

    The modern society is more keen in helping families to love well. The happy and good life led in the families promotes The well being of all men. That family life is very much talked of in the modern society. Such a life is always said to be sacred. The child respects his elders and learns good manners. Family is the place where the child learns all the well good lessons in life. Since the child is born in the family and grows up pin the same, the human race can not continue without family. School is an equally a very fine social institution.


    If you were to analyze the lives of the lucky and unlucky individuals being commented on, you would find that the successful person is doing something right in each transaction, and the failure is repeating the same mistake time and again. Practice does not make perfect-only perfect practice makes perfect. Practice makes permanent whatever you do repeatedly. Some people keep practicing their mistakes and they become perfect in them. Their mistakes become perfect and automatic.

    Cultivating the habit is like plowing the field. It takes time. Habits generate other habits. Inspiration is what gets us started, motivation is what keeps us on track, and habit is what makes it automatic. The ability to show courage in the face of adversity; show self restraint in the face of temptation, choose happiness in the face of hurt, show character in the face of despair, and see opportunity in the face of obstacles are all valuable traits to possess. But thesetraits do not just appear, but they are the result of constant and consistent training, both mental and physical. It the face of adversity, our behaviour, whether positive or negative can only be what we have practiced.

    We are born to win but are conditioned to lose. We should ourselves find what is right practice and then decide whether to follow it or not.


    The focus of development planning is on transforming the rural areas keeping the social. Economic, technological and cultural horizons in mind. Therefore, the primary characteristic of any plan must have consistency among the planning exercises undertaking at different levels. This means that a plan undertaken at one level should be in harmony with exercises undertaken at other levels. This does not, however, mean that a district plan, for instance is the facsimile of the state plan, on a smaller scale.

    The plan at lower levels should have the freedom to choose among national objectives. Depending on the feasibility or relevance of the national objectives to the blocks, a plan may or may not correspond or give the same weight age to national plan objectives. For instance, the national plan objective of self-reliance translated at the block level would imply that outflow of goods and services from the block to the rest of the country increase to a level at which these can pay for the inflow of goods and service. Since the block is a part, even if a small part, of the national economy, self-reliance in this sense is not feasible, if not altogether irrelevant. Since the specific situation at the local level is quite different from the national science, a block plan may even different weight age to national priorities.


    These are the days of Democracy. So every person is deemed to have his or her voice in the society. Hence it requires much skill as well as ability to spread good ideas amongst the literate and the illiterate, the class and the masses, the cultured and the uncultured. This task is not so easy as one thinks it to be. It requires

    Herculean efforts and patience. The gift of the gab, which is one of Gods choicest blessings on man is quite essential to be successful in making public speeches so a man should first try to speak well in public. This art of public speaking qualities a man to be a leader in a society, town or in any profession. Any public meeting will give him a hearty welcome. He is given the golden opportunity of speaking to the public and to impress upon the audience his own views in an efficient way. A public speaker will make or mark the destiny of a nation.

    A person knowing the art of speaking well in public can bring peace and happiness not only among his countrymen but also among people of all countries. One who is ignorant of this art, may only bring quarrels perchance. Public speaking is an art. We cannot done that every art will look awkward at first. Some craters are born and some are made. Some persons become experts soon while some take a pretty long time.


    The most powerful motor known to human being is the rocket. It is the only one that can propel space art to other planets and put satellites into orbit around the Earth. Yet it is one of the easier to understand, for even the giant space shuttle works on the same principles as the rockets you see at firework displays.

    The toy firework was propel invented in China over 700 years age. It has changed little since then. It is simply a tube filled with gunpowder packed very tightly. When the flame from the rocket’s burning fuse reaches the gunpowder, there is a violent chemical reaction. Different substances in the gunpowder combine and turn in to hot gases at high pressure. They try to expand, and if the tube were closed at both ends, the gases would tear it apart. But there is an opening at the lower end of the tube, and the gases rush out, forming a bright glowing trail, called the ‘exhaust.’

    It is the force generated by the chemical reaction that pushes out the exhaust gases. But whenever a force is exerted on something. There is a ‘reaction’ an equally strong force is the opposite direction. For example, when you fire a rifle, you feel it ‘Kick’ against your shoulder, the gun is pushed back by the reaction to force that drives the bullet forward. If you were standing on roller.


     The most powerful motor known to human being is the rocket. It is the only one that can propel space art to other planets and put satellites into orbit around the Earth. Yet it is one of the easier to understand, for even the giant space shuttle works on the same principles as the rockets you see at firework displays.

    The toy firework was propel invented in China over 700 years age. It has changed little since then. It is simply a tube filled with gunpowder packed very tightly. When the flame from the rocket’s burning fuse reaches the gunpowder, there is a violent chemical reaction. Different substances in the gunpowder combine and turn in to hot gases at high pressure. They try to expand, and if the tube were closed at both ends, the gases would tear it apart. But there is an opening at the lower end of the tube, and the gases rush out, forming a bright glowing trail, called the ‘exhaust.’

    It is the force generated by the chemical reaction that pushes out the exhaust gases. But whenever a force is exerted on something. There is a ‘reaction’ an equally strong force is the opposite direction. For example, when you fire a rifle, you feel it ‘Kick’ against your shoulder, the gun is pushed back by the reaction to force that drives the bullet forward. If you were standing on roller.


    Man is a social animal. He always depends upon another to fulfill his basic needs. He cannot live without society. Sometime he has to compromise with his desires, needs, emotions and habits etc. For example, if Ramu wants to give an expensive gift to his friend as a birthday gift but his economical condition is poor that’s why he could give only pencil to his friend and gave it. It’s called Adjustment.

    What we learnt from above example that Ramu made a compromise with the situation. It is called as an adjustment. Basically an adjustment means to make compromise to fulfil our desires and needs, even a small child comes out of the womb of mother it has to cope with the external temperature and surrounding, atmosphere and situation and it continues throughout the life. Inshort human being has to make adjustment right from his birth to death. The process of carrying out a person from the problematic situation and to make certain changes to modify self behaviour and the situation around in an expected way is the adjustment.

    The human being from his childhood to death requires feeling of security for his asset, physical, mental, social and emotional etc. He could not achieve peace of mind in an increase condition. The well adjusted person always strive to change the environment.


    Strange unfathomable happiness of thinking of seeking knowledge for its own sake ! So, much of our life is spent in solving problems to avoid immediate pain or to bring immediate profit, so much of our training is aimed at bringing practical or pragmatic effect designing and running machines, buying, selling, cooking, furnishing, investing, spending, so many worthy results are obtained by purposeful planning and directed thinking that we forget how true and inexhaustible is the happiness of pure knowing. Everyone has tasted it. It is born in children. It goes to school with them, and is too often killed there by tired or practical teachers. But in some, it survives and unlike other delights it endures for life.

    To spend 50 or 60 years in studying the structure of fishes or the relation between logic and language, the history of the Incase or the rules of comets, the geometry of Non-euclidean space the literature of leei and or the anatomy of the brain, to acquire, systematize and record new knowledge of any subject without expectation of benefit-making expect by extending its range of understanding that is to pass a happy and valuable life, usually temperedat the close by regret that another 50 years could not be added, in which to learn more and still more. It is the purest and least selfish satisfaction known to man. The man must live his life satisfactory.


    Good will is the rational will. It is autonomous and self-legislative. I lays down its own laws. While obeying the maximum good will, man follows his own higher self. Thus, man is truly free in following the good will. Good will follows the categorical imperative, i.e., moral law, laid down by it. Moral law is to be followed out of pure respect for it. It is to be obeyed out of consciousness of duty and not due to emotions, feelings or desires. The true rule of life is ‘Duty for duty’s sake.’ Moral life is the life of pure reason. Feelings and emotions ought to be completely suppressed. To lead a moral life, the will ought to be guided by its own moral low or the categorical imperative. Kant says the will is free when it acts safely from the sense of duty. To give way to compassion or love is irrational and thus immoral.

    According to him an action is right or moral when it conforms to moral law; the person performs it out of pure respect for moral law ‘duty for duty’s sake. The moral law, the categorical imperative is pure form without matter. It cannot tell us what we should do or what we should not do. It simply tells us that actions should conform to the form. He does not tell us about the contents of our actions. He maintains that our actions should be in accordance with principles law.


    Thousands of clerks, typists, stenographers and special workers are now working for the government, yet the increase in the lead of government work requires; more and more workers. For appointment to government work a testing programme has been planned by the Federal Government and test centres have been set up in all parts of the country. Some branches of government service have their own sets, but the greater number of government office workers are chosen through the tests given by the Civil Services. Such tests usually include a test in speed and accuracy in typewriting a test in copying from rough draft, a general intelligence test, and a test in spelling and word usage.

    Under civil service testing there are various types of appointments open to those who meet the test requirements. Temporary appointment is for a short time only and rarely extends more than six months. A temporary appointment generally does not prevent consideration in regular order for probational appointment for a particular post. This temporary appointment is not offered to those who live far from the place of employment, as a practice. Probational appointment is for an indefinite period of time. The appointee is included under the system of requirement and disability benefits provided by the Civil Service Retirement Act.


    A good teacher normally takes decisions about his work on the basis of tradition, or recommendation of experts or experience of others or his own experience guided by common sense. Action research is a step ahead of the commonsense approach. The difference between the two is mainly of degree of refinement and discipline in the various steps for taking a decision. In action research, the teacher is deliberately more scientific and careful in diagnosing the problem, in collecting facts, in designing hypotheses in experiments with tentative practices and actions and in evaluating results of the actions taken. At every stage however, he tries to keep the experimental approach towards problem solving in close touch with reality.

    Action research may be individual or co-operative, when many people are concerned about a problem or when the experiment is likely to affect many people, the research could directly involve all those people. It then becomes co-operative action research. It is a well-known fact that much of the research work done by professional students of educational research is not noticed by the workers in the actual field of education. Even when some research is fully reported and is in point, not many consciously benefit by it. The advantages of action research vis-a-vis improvement in education.


    While historical studies discover, describe and interpret what existed in the past, there are other kinds of investigations which study, describe and interpret what exists at present. They are concerned with conditions or relationship that exist, practices that prevail, beliefs, points of view or attitudes that are held, processes that are going on, effects that are being felt and trends that are developing. The literature of such investigations includes expressions like descriptive survey, normative status or trend. The terms survey and status suggest the gathering of evidences relating to current conditions.

    The term normative implies the determination of normal or typical conditions or practices. The term normative survey, is generally used for the type of research that we intend to consider here and the research which proposes to ascertain what is the normal or typical condition or practice at the present time. The normative survey type of research is not peculiar to education or to other social sciences. It is a signification mode of attack in any field of knowledge where geographic distribution is involved or where the objects of any class very among themselves, that is in studying the climatic conditions of various parts of the world, or the distribution of natural resources. The survey approach to educational problems is one of the most commonly used approaches.


    Says my author, one of the female figures in the niche is exactly like the Venus de Madici, and so on. But you must remember that everything almost has been destroyed by the iconoclastic Mohammedan; yet the remnants are more than all European debris put together I have travelled eight year and not seen many of the masterpieces. Tell sister Lock also that there is a runined temple in forest in India, which and the Parthenon of Greece, Feggusson considers as the climax of architectural art each of its type the one of conception, the other of conception and detail. The later Mogul buildings etc., the Indo Saracenic architecture, does not compare a bit with best types of the ancients.

     I feel much obliged or the Bharati sent by you, and consider myself fortunate that the cause to which my humble life has been dedicated has been able to win the approbation of highly a talented ladies like you. In this battle of life, men are rare who encourage the initiator of new thought, not to speak of women who would offer him encouragement, particularly in our unfortunate land. It is therefore that the approbation of an educated Bengali lady is more valuable than the loud applause of all the men of India. May the Lord grant that may women like you be born in this country, and devote their lives to the betterment of their motherland. I have something to say in this regard.


English 40 wpm latter (damo) | GCC TBC English 40 wpm latter

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