Tuesday 31 August 2021

English Typing 30 wpm passage

 Typing passage | typing lessons | typing test paragraphs | Gcc Tbc typing test passage


    War and Peace are the two contrasting faces of a civilization. But unfortunately mankind has seen more Wars than periods of peace. And with the progress of Science and technology, war is becoming more widespread and more devastating. The two wars faced by the world during the last century encompassed the whole world and took the toll of millions of human lives and brought about almost total destruction of property including means of transport and communication. The Second World War affected not only those who were living but also those who were yet to be born, because of the effects of radiation caused by the dropping of atom bombs. And today there are hydrogen bombs and nitrogen bombs which are many times more powerful than atom bombs.

    War has no justification. It only leads to death and destruction. It distrusts the normal life of the people and puts back the clock of progress by years. Colossal destruction of life and property results from a war.




    When faced with a loss, crisis of life, changing event, we may be suddenly thrust into an unfamiliar world, one that is frightening and challenging. The first step towards coping with a loss is to accept the circumstances we are in. Non-acceptance or denial destroys peace of mind and gives rise to anger, anxiety and frustration. It may also lead to a feeling of self pity. In such a case, a person resigns himself to his fate and loses his self confidence. He is not able to cope with the reality. But a person who accepts the ups and downs of life and prepares himself to take life as a challenge gets a new strength from within to fight and succeed. The thought that there is nothing permanent in life, that highs must follow lows and lows have inevitably to be succeeded by highs can also prove to be encouraging. It can give us not only strength to face unfavourable circumstances with perseverance as well as fortitude and lead challenging and familiar world without fear and trouble as well.



     Loving, faithful, ferocious and intelligent with an instinct to learn that is all about dogs as pets. This is a great advantage and a great protection. A dog is a very faithful creature. Keeping is both a pleasure and a task. Dogs have a great instinct of learning. Though animals, they exhibit a great sense of intelligence. They can be trained even by the crime-in investigating agencies and have successfully worked out to catch the criminal.

    Keeping pots is also a pleasant hobby. A dog has ever been a favorite pet with people. There is a quite reason for this choice. A dog is a very faithful creature. People keep a dog as a pet for reasons a liking fir them as also a constant watchman by night and day. There are sign boards as the gate of persons keeping dogs as pets Beware of dogs which means that the dogs kept as pets would not allow any unknown person to enter the premises of the house.



      The East coastal plains have some of the most fertile lands of our country. Here, rice is cultivated with three cycles in a year, particularly in the Kaveri Delta area. All the delta regions and adjoining plains between the coast and the Ghats have dominance of rice cultivation. Though in the most of areas rice continues to be the main food crop. The area consists of ancient rock formation with predominance of ingenious and metamorphic rocks and hence the Eastern Ghats are gifted with number of economically important minerals.

    The Eastern Ghats region is dominated by tribal inhabitants. The agriculture in the Ghats is mostly of subsistence type. In far interior areas on comes across patches of shifting cultivation. However, form Tamil Nadu Ghats to Oddisha Ghats the cropping patterns as well as the agricultural practices differ considerably. Though in the most of areas rice continues to be the main food crop.




     Education has definite aims and objectives in all the societies in the world. It is more so in the case of simple societies like the rural and the tribal in India. By educating the youth, these societies prepare their future citizens. Once the imparting of knowledge is over, the older generation in these societies handed over the tasks of protection, feeding and religious duties to the younger generation, with a least hesitation. The old believed that the youth could do this with confidence, as the education given to them, was practical and perfect. Moreover, the parents and elders of the society themselves and had personally approved the skill of the youth, with great responsibility.

    The simple societies which were away from outside influence had case based economic activity. In most of the cases there was exchange of commodities and services. Barter economy was prevalent in such society. 


     Improper functioning of hormonal glands can bring about a wide variety of physical, psychological and emotional changes in the individuals. Socio cultural factors also play an important role in the molding of an individual’s personality.

    Education, mannerisms, values, attitude, beliefs, morals, ethics, prejudices and certain specific behaviors are to a greater extent determined by our family and culture environment. Teachers and peer group also have a significant impact on our personality. Peer group refers to other children of the same age who study with or play with the child.

    Diet plays a vital role in the maintenance of good health and in the prevention and cure of disease. The human body builds up and maintains healthy cells, tissues, glands and organs with the help of various nutrients. The body cannot perform any of its functions be they metabolic, hormonal, mental, physical or chemical without specific nutrients.



      Many studies in recent years have looked at the allocation of resources at the household level. They show that a much greater share of education, health and food expenditure go to boys than girls. In many cultures, parents think that there are lower benefits from investing in girls. This is where the vicious circle starts, leaving many women in a disadvantaged position for life. The losers are not only the women but the entire society.

    There has been progress in the past few decades. More girls in developing countries are enrolled in primary schools. Some thirty per cent of the women in the developing countries are part of the formal work force.

    But still there are too many failures and unsolved problems. The inequalities are long and depressing. Women spend more time on paid and unpaid work than men do and they are less likely to be in the position of responsibility.


     There are many wrong statements made and much misunderstanding concerning the uses and effects of introducing computers for commercial practices. It is wrongly supposed by many that computers are the answer to all difficulties; that their use will correct bad business practices and be the fairly godmother, converting losses into profits. It is believed that all that is necessary is to feed facts and figures into a computer and you will get a magic answer to any problem. This is not so. Feed rubbish into a computer and you will get rubbish. After all, computers are only electronic machines relying on human skill to construct them, operate them, and feed them with information from which an answer is required.

    The commercial use of these electronic machines is for date processing, the organizing of date detailed information for which certain definite uses are planned.



     Powerhouse Gym had conducted fitness camps of various companies wherein the weight and height of employees are analyzed and based on the findings, a diet is suggested. Employees are also advised on what kinds of work outs they should go for. Powerhouse also had tie ups with many companies through which employees can avail of gym facilities at discounted rates.

    Physical exercise is the best tension reliever, it is important for coping with stress. Person should relax by deep breathing. Stretching, yoga, meditation, these relaxation techniques are very helpful to remain calm in a bad situation. Exercise not only improves your health and reduces stress but also relaxes the tense muscles and helps you to sleep.

    Exercise can cause release of chemicals called endorphins into your blood stream and give you a feeling of happiness and positively affect your overall sense of well-being.



     None but a fool is always right. We must be knowing people who always claim to be right. Howsoever fanciful, irrelevant or absurd their views on a subject may be, they assert they are right and are not prepared to brook any contradiction or challenge. Their cocksureness makes them presumptuous and this nature destroys all possibilities of acquiring knowledge. The first step towards knowledge is the realization of one’s ignorance ever be curious to acquire knowledge. He contemptuously looks upon all possibilities of learning anything new. He is convinced that others are wrong while he is right. Then he fails to learn what is actually right.

    Darkness cannot be light, but unless a person realizes that he is wallowing in darkness, he can have no desire of going into light. Wisdom ever keeps away from such a person. He is doomed to unrelieved folly.

    The first step towards knowledge is the realization of one’s ignorance ever the curious to acquire knowledge.


     Public libraries in some respects serve the same purpose as educational institutions. It is the place where people come to collect material for reference work and for knowledge. It is really one of the most useful institutions in the world.

    A library is normally well stocked with all types of books, including the rare ones, and also the expensive ones. Thus everyone has access to these books which otherwise would not be available, or probably be beyond the reach of the common man cost-wise. In this sense, libraries can afford to purchase the rare and expensive books, thus making them available to the general public.

    Libraries also have sets and volumes of dictionaries, encyclopedia and other reference books which require a lot of storage space. So a library is an ideal place for such books, since individuals cannot afford to possess all of them. They can avail of them in libraries. A library is an ideal place to study as there is silence and silence.



     John Keats, one of the celebrated romantic poets, begins his poem Endymion with this of – quoted line: A thing of beauty is a joy forever. And he goes on to assert that its loveliness keeps increasing with the passage of time and it never passes into nothingness. Keats’s concept of beauty is quite comprehensive. It includes, besides physical beauty, mental excellence and moral purity. If an object is to be a source of permanent joy, it must be beautiful in its entirety and not just physically attractive. Skin deep beauty decays fast. But beauty ingrained in the tissues of an object is a permanent quality. The very touch of this kind of beauty comforts ones heart and elevates one mentally and morally. If we are surrounded by real beauty of the kind conceived of by Keats, it moves away the pal of darkness from our spirits and enables us to shed our despondency and regain our happiness.



     Capital is a key factor for any business. Trading as well as non-trading organizations are always in search of maximum capital mobilization. In fact capital raising capacity decides the form of a business organization. If the capital is limited sole trading can be started. If the capital raising capacity is better partnership firm can be a suitable form of business. When chances of raising capital are bright a joint stock company can be promoted.

    Capital can be raised by a company in many ways. Issuing shares for long term finance and borrowings from various financial institutions for medium term finance are the common forms for collecting funds. Short term capital is raised generally by borrowing from banks in the form of cash credits and overdrafts. Banks also provide finance through discounting bills of exchange. By inviting public deposits a company can meet some of its financial requirements. A company accepts deposits from general public for a minimum period of 6 months with limitation for maximum period.



     Mobiles and tablets have taken our country by storm. Nowadays you find almost every home in country online. Many operators like Jio have taken a lead to make India digitally developed country. It is getting very much affordable with such data plans at very low cost.

    Many companies are investing in India as they find India is one of the largest buyer of mobiles and smartphones in the world. Many companies are offering low cost affordable handsets to Indian consumers with high end features like 4G, Volte with powerful hardware.

    Mobiles and tables have almost replaced point and shoot cameras worldwide. New smartphones are almost trying to give output similar to DSLR camera's at very low cost. Storage capacity has also gone upto 128gb in new models of smartphones and tablets. In future one will not need memory card to expand memory due to huge internal memory.




     Online shopping have made shopping as simple as tapping figures. Many global giants like Amazon have joined this digital movement. One can get each and every product on online shopping portals. Many people in India now shop online using personal computers, smartphones and tablets. Even senior citizens prefer online shopping over traditional shopping.

    You can order daily needs like milk, bread, vegetable etc. using online shopping. Many online grocery store are operating at various cities in India to make your shopping a breeze. Many hotels have started online booking with online shopping portals like oyo, goibibo etc.

    Many online payment services have trying to make India go cashless. Paytm and many more payment apps have been granted permission of payments bank from government of India. One can also open bank account online using mobile apps.



     Government is taking big efforts on making India Cashless. Recently launched BHIM app have made it possible to make online payment from any bank and any branch. NCPI have launched UPI gateway for all banks and made online transactions as simple as swaping a card.

    People want to go cashless but charges on debit cards and ATM cards are changing their minds. For few days all charged on cards were waived off. If this continues there is no doubt people will accept digital money.

    We can see all small vendors have also started accepting digital money with various apps like paytm. It is very convinient for buyer and seller to make all transactions without worry of change. No need to worry about security of your physical money. In few days you can make payment only using your fingerprint or biometric devices. May not need to carry cards or your mobiles for payments.



     Computer are simple and powerful to use electronic devices. Many offices and industries have shifted to computer for their daily chores. It becomes very easy and comfortable to work using computers. You can save a lot of time and energy using computers. Almost all offices have started using email as official mode of communication.

    One can save commonly used files and use them over the time as per need. It is simple to understand computer due to new operating systems. A little knowledge about computer can help you work on your own.

    Internet have changed the way everything was earlier. A computer without internet is like a mobile without sim card. Almost every computer needs internet to do any king of work. Slowly bulky computers are getting replaced with attractive and space saving laptops. Slowly mobiles have also supporting many computer tasks to be performed with the ease.




     Clean India movement is getting better and better day by day. Many schools across country have started participating in movement by educating children. Once children are trained with clean habits from childhood will definitely have good impact of future. Many children understand the need of time and make parents aware about the same. Many parents are learning from their children too. Its good to learn few things from children.

    Many corporates have started to spend a day for cleaning their offices and nearby areas. It has to start from myself. If we keep our work area clean, this will definitely improve work environment. Everyone likes tidy neat and clean environment. But if we stop throwing garbage and change few habits this will also help. Housing societies, trusts, non profit organizations, non government organizations have also started various activities to support clean India movement.



English 40 wpm latter (damo) | GCC TBC English 40 wpm latter

 English 40 wpm latter (1)